Seefeldstrasse 66 8008 Zurich Switzerland
Dr. med. Christoph Thür FMH Surgery, Traumatology, Shoulder Surgery T: +41 44 252 05 65 F: +41 44 252 05 68
Dr. med. Ludwig Labler FMH Surgery, Traumatology T: +41 44 300 11 66 F: +41 44 300 11 77 Dr. med. Kourosh Modaressi FMH Surgery, Traumatology T: +41 44 521 21 21 F: +41 44 521 22 22
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Enables the arm to move in all directions, very sturdily constructed and surrounds the whole shoulder and the deep muscle layers, ligaments and tendons.
The deltoid muscle from the back and side