As a result of the complex interaction of all five joints and sliding surfaces, our shoulders are the ideal devices for moving our hands in every direction and performing all necessary actions with our fingers. Our hands are able to reach the entire space - including the close-up space - around our bodies.
Next to the bony supporting framework, the most important component of our shoulders is the soft tissue covering. Various muscles, tendons and ligaments provide static and dynamic stability for the joint and allow force to be applied precisely during movements.
1. Joint between the humeral head and the socket of the shoulder blade.
2. Hinge joint with sliding surface between the roof of the shoulder blade (acromion) and the humeral head / rotator cuff.
3. Joint between the shoulder blade and the collarbone (clavicle).
4. Joint between the collarbone and the breastbone (sternum).
5. Sliding surface between the shoulder blade and the rib cage (thorax).